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Follow-Ups Chatbot

Personalized, Empathetic Support

Our nutrition chatbot walks Kyla patients through their nutrition journey from start to finish, assessing progress, assisting with challenges, and facilitating goal setting to improve health outcomes.

How it Works

Upon sign up, the chatbot welcomes new patients and explains their personalized nutrition recommendations in the Kyla app. Once patients opt in for accountability, this is where the magic happens.

Every week, our chatbot goes through our registered dietitian-approved check-in process:

personalized nutrition recommendations

Assess Compliance

How well the patient stuck to their personalized nutrition recommendations, plus whether the patient achieved the goal they set for themselves the previous week. Compliance is recorded and graphed to show trends over time.

body Stats

Body Stats

Relevant information is gathered by the chatbot relating to the patient's health condition and goals. For example, if a patient has type 2 diabetes, the chatbot asks the patient for their blood glucose readings and compares them to goals as defined by the American Diabetes Association. This information is compiled and graphed to illustrate trends and determine effectiveness of the Kyla nutrition plan.

patient self-reports symptoms list


The patient self-reports symptoms related to food allergies, IBS, energy levels, and emergency symptoms. The chatbot asks clarifying questions to direct the user toward evidence-based recommendations to address symptoms. If symptoms persist, the chatbot will recommend working with our in-house dietitian. If symptoms are severe, the chatbot recommends seeking emergency care.



If the patient is cleared for exercise, this step encourages regular movement and assesses level of movement throughout the week. From there, the chatbot adjusts calorie recommendations as activity level increases or decreases.

Chatbot helps


One of the most important features of our chatbot is helping the patient work through challenges commonly experienced on their nutrition journey, such as navigating social events, travel and holidays. The chatbot provides tips and strategies to overcome said challenges. If a patient encounters the same challenge three times, the chatbot recommends working with our in-house dietitian.

Chatbot Goals


Finally, the chatbot helps patients set one goal for the following week based on the challenges they reported. The patient also has the option to write in their own goal.

The above flow is repeated weekly on the same day and time as specified by the user. The user may also reach out outside of weekly check-ins with questions.
We recognize that not every problem can be solved by the chatbot. The chatbot recognizes this and outsources to our in-house registered dietitian and other healthcare providers when necessary.

nurse icon

Benefits for Providers

  • Provide support for patients outside of regular appointments, which may improve compliance and resulting health outcomes.

  • Reduce the workload for providers by helping the patient work through challenges on their own.

  • Illustrate trends in compliance and body stats to determine effectiveness of the nutrition intervention.

  • Used in conjunction with in-person healthcare provider appointments.

medical clipboard icon

Benefits for Patients

  • Personalized, empathetic support outside of regular appointments.

  • Mimics the experience of working with a registered dietitian through weekly accountability check-ins and progress tracking.

  • Evidence-based strategies and support to work through common challenges, like travel, social events and holidays.

  • Makes weekly adjustments to nutrition recommendations when life happens.

Contact our experts and start your journey with Kyla today.

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