
Sauerkraut Creamy Chicken Salad

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health This is an easy, probiotic-rich salad. Did you know that at least 70% of our immune system takes place in our gut? It’s important to keep it nourished and well fed. Sauerkraut is fermented, making it a great source of natural probiotics and prebiotics. […]

March 28, 2024


How Home-Testing Can Help You Live a Long Life with Diabetes

Diabetes isn’t a death sentence. Diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 33, actress Mary Tyler Moore enjoyed a successful, multi-decade acting career. She didn’t just survive, she thrived – living to the age of 80. There are stories of people with diabetes celebrating their 90th birthday. It’s possible. The question is, how?  […]

March 28, 2024


If you’re not sleeping, it might be hormones – and Kyla’s Hormone Panel Can Help

Losing sleep over losing sleep? You’re not alone.  Studies suggest that last month one out of five American adults had trouble staying asleep most nights. Many more racked up a sleepless night or two every week. It can be a vicious cycle. Awakening after a restless night, you likely feel irritated, anxious, and even hungry. […]

March 28, 2024


Pineapple Kiwi Star Fruit Salad

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health Easy, fresh and great for digestion! Pineapple and kiwi have enzymes that improve digestion, while also being high in vitamin C. Star fruit is also a great source of vitamin C. This recipe works great for breakfast, snack or dessert and will get you […]

March 26, 2024


Mango Crunchy Crab Salad

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health Not every salad has to include lettuce! This recipe doesn’t require any cooking, making it a quick option for lunch or dinner. Serve over baked tostadas or whole wheat crackers (not included in nutrition analysis). If you are looking for a healthy snack or […]

March 21, 2024


What You Need to Know About Aging: Myths and Facts 

Do you have a fear of aging? You’re not alone. In a recent Forbes survey, more than half of the respondents under the age of 57 were worried about getting older. That percentage plummeted amongst senior survey takers. Only 20% of those past their 77th year said they were worried. Then again, it’s easy not […]

March 21, 2024


Five Reasons Why You Should Get An Inexpensive At-Home Health Test Today

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, many of us have fundamentally changed how we live. We commute less, work harder at spending our precious moments with loved ones, and value our time in a way we never did before. That’s what’s so amazing about at-home health tests. Instead of driving to an overcrowded doctor’s […]

March 21, 2024


Miso Ginger Chicken Salad Boats

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health Use leftover chicken or a rotisserie chicken to make this quick and healthy chicken salad with the umami flavor of miso paste and spicy ginger. This can be served as a salad or using lettuce as boats. The sodium is low enough for hypertension, […]

March 19, 2024


Fleeing Follicles? Here are Five Reasons You Might Be Losing Your Hair and How To Prevent It

Did you know that by the time your day is done, your head has shed at least 100 strands of hair? That’s just the average. What if it’s more than that? What if the hair you lose isn’t being replaced? You’re probably wondering what’s causing it and just as importantly what are the best treatments […]

March 12, 2024


Irritated Often? It Might Not Just Be Your Temper! Insights from Doctors

Modern life should come with a trigger warning. Your career, traffic, politics, the environment, loved ones — for many of us they are responsible for nearly constant anxiety and worry. Those challenges have only escalated since the pandemic. You might sometimes feel like you’re the very definition of irritability.  The question is, what’s normal? Are […]

March 12, 2024