Longevity Escape Velocity

Featured Anti-Aging

Current health-related technology is incredible – it has the ability to treat and cure diseases today that people would have died from years ago. And the list of diseases we can now treat with technology is growing every year. Human lifespans continue to increase, but what is the limit? If we can reach longevity escape […]

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Men’s Health: This One Test Might Save Your Life! 

Although some doctors no longer recommend the PSA test, it is the fastest, easiest way to discover markers for prostate cancer - and it often saves lives.

September 9, 2024


Prevent High Cortisol Levels With These Five Lifestyle Hacks

Besides fatigue and weight gain, high cortisol levels can elevate blood pressure, blood sugar and even lead to type 2 diabetes - here are some helpful hacks to resolve a cortisol imbalance.

September 9, 2024


Build a Better Brain With These Five Tips

Despite being neglected in discussions about the value of diet and exercise, research suggests that many of the things we do to help the body can also help the brain.

August 28, 2024


If You Want to Know How To Get Big Vitamin D Energy, Start with a No-Cost Health Assessment From Kyla!

One of the most important vitamins isn’t really a vitamin at all. We get most of our vitamins from the food that we eat. While Vitamin D can be found in eggs, fatty fish, and fortified foods like whole milk, most people get it courtesy of that giant ball of fire in the sky. That’s […]

February 28, 2024


Unexplained Weight Gain and Tiredness? Kyla’s Female Hormone Panel Helps Solve the Riddle!

Hormones get a bad rap. You might blame sudden hormonal changes for feeling irritable. Maybe you hold hormones responsible for your sob fest while binging TV teen dramas and rom coms . Of course, you don’t want to hear someone else blame your behavior on hormones. After all, they aren’t in control. You are. Still, […]

February 22, 2024


Learn How to Change Your Metabolism: Get a Low-Cost Male Hormone Panel from Kyla

Have you lost the pep in your step? Has your get-up-and-go, got up and went? Maybe your energy just isn’t what it used to be. Perhaps you’ve gained weight and are having trouble sleeping. You might have heard about something called “male menopause.” Maybe you’re worried it’s an inevitable component of growing older. It isn’t. […]

February 15, 2024


Mexican Breakfast Burger

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health A low fat, high protein breakfast (or lunch/dinner) that will keep you full and nourished! This recipe is easy to make, using extra lean ground turkey, taco seasoning and low calorie whole wheat burger buns. You’ll be getting 41 grams of protein in one […]

February 8, 2024