
The Best Three Sports for your Heart

A heart-healthy sport is not just one that delivers cardiovascular benefits but one you can enjoy your whole life - experts consider these the top three.

September 9, 2024


Lengthen Your Lifespan With Coffee

There’s a vicious battle being waged every day inside your body. It’s a conflict between roaming free radicals and antioxidants. Left unchecked, high numbers of these free radicals can lead to oxidative stress. This is the primary driver for many diseases and debilitating conditions. Oxidative stress reduces longevity. The choices we make about what we […]

August 29, 2024


How To Live to 100 Five Steps From Those Who’ve Reached That Milestone

The average American life expectancy keeps falling, even as our cars keep getting older. The average passenger car in the U.S. is 14-years old. With new cars costing almost $50,000, it’s not surprising that fewer people want to trade in their old jalopy for something shinier. Along with the punishment to purse and pocketbook, lots […]

August 14, 2024


Can You Lengthen Your Life? Five Proven Ways to Extend Your Lifespan

Here are five proven ways to lengthen lifespan and keep extending it through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.

August 13, 2024


Sports That Can Help You Live Longer

The right activity is not just one you can do for life, but one that can extend your lifespan - here are six of the best to boost your life expectancy.

July 21, 2024