Pennsylvania – The Mushroom Capital of the World

December 27, 2022

Published: December 26, 2022

Updated: May 8, 2023

Last time you bought mushrooms, did you know where they were grown? Chances are, it was in Pennsylvania. Surprisingly enough, the town of Kennett Square, located in southeast Pennsylvania, is known as the ‘Mushroom Capital of the World.’ 1 Now that’s a fun fact!

Kennett Square, PA

About half (or more) of the mushrooms eaten in the US come from the area around Kennett Square, PA. This has nothing to do with the climate. In fact, mushrooms can be grown easily indoors! Mushroom farming began in Kennett Square around 1885 when local Quakers decided to try growing them in the space under their flowerbeds. These early mushroom farmers hired people to help grow the mushrooms and soon the business expanded and several more mushroom farms popped up.1

Today, mushroom farming generates hundreds of millions of dollars in sales in the county. Many different types of mushrooms are grown in Kennett Square, including shiitake, portobello, oyster, and white button mushrooms. Mushrooms are grown indoors and have to be harvested by hand, so they require a lot of work. Many people have come to work on the mushroom farms in Kennett Square because they don’t have to leave at the end of the harvesting season to find more work; mushrooms are harvested year-round. Costs are going up, but mushroom farming continues to be a very important industry in the Kennett Square area.1

Cooking with Mushrooms

It can be interesting to know where your food comes from! There are several different varieties of mushrooms and they are very tasty cooked on their own, in other dishes, and as substitutes for meat. Mushrooms are naturally fat- and cholesterol-free, low in sodium and calories, and high in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. They’re high in antioxidants, beta glucan (a type of fiber), B vitamins, and potassium, which all have many benefits for your health. Another cool fact is that mushrooms are the only vegan, non-fortified dietary source of vitamin D!2


Mushrooms are a great addition to a healthy diet! Always buy mushrooms from a grocery store; eating the ones you find in the wild can make you very sick. And next time you buy some, check and see if they are from Pennsylvania!

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  1. How is Kennett Square the Mushroom Capital of the World? Kennett Mushrooms. Accessed May 8, 2023.
  2. U.S. Department of Agriculture. FoodData central. Published April 2023. Accessed May 8, 2023.