Organic vs. Pre-Packaged Foods

December 6, 2022

Published: December 5, 2022

Updated: May 3, 2023

Fresh berries

Organic food gets a lot of credit for being healthier for you than regular food. It’s more expensive, but it should be worth it, right? Unfortunately, a lot of variation in food quality and nutrient level can hide behind the label ‘organic.’ It can be really confusing trying to figure out what is worth buying organic and what isn’t. Plus, conventionally grown food is convenient and much cheaper.

Understanding what ‘organic’ means and how organic foods can fit into your diet is important for following a healthy diet. Let’s learn more!

Organic Food

Organic apples

What is ‘Organic’ Food?

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the term ‘organic’ refers to a way of growing and processing agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, grains, meat/dairy). Crops must be grown in a way that does not use certain prohibited chemicals for pest control and fertilization. For organic meat, farms must meet certain standards for animal living conditions – they must be pasture raised, fed organic feed, free from antibiotics and hormones.1

Sometimes processed foods, like bread, crackers, and cereal, are labeled as ‘organic.’ How these foods are labeled can be confusing. Foods that are labeled ‘100 percent organic’ are whole certified organic single-ingredient foods (fruits, vegetables, eggs, etc.) or multi-ingredient foods that only use certified organic ingredients. A multi-ingredient food can be labeled ‘organic’ if at least 95 percent of its ingredients are certified organic. If a food is labeled as ‘made with organic ingredients,’ at least 70 percent of its ingredients are certified organic. If less than 70 percent of the ingredients in a food are organic, it cannot have the USDA seal on it and may instead only indicate which ingredients are organic on the food label.1

Is Organic Food Healthier?

Unlike conventionally grown crops, organic crops are grown without the use of pesticides, antibiotics, and many other chemicals. So, they are somewhat different. However, not much is known yet about how this translates to actual health differences. Some studies have shown that organic fruits and vegetables have higher levels of nutrients and organic meat has higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids.2,3 Eating organic foods means you’ll have less exposure to pesticides used for growing fruits, vegetables, and grains and antibiotics used in raising livestock. To learn more about which foods have the highest levels of pesticides, check out the Environmental Working Group’s ‘Clean Fifteen’ list of foods that are fine to buy regular and ‘Dirty Dozen’ list of foods that are recommended to buy organic.

A food that is organic isn’t necessarily healthy. A food can use organic ingredients, but still be high in calories and added sugar, salt, and fat. Chips and cake can be organic – but essentially these are just higher-quality versions of regular processed food.

Processed Food

M&Ms, an example of ultra-processed food

What is Processed Food?

Not all processed food is the same. Processed food can be classified by how processed it is, and also by the method of processing. There are two main categories for how food can be processed. Mechanical processing includes using preparation techniques such as heating, freezing, or pasteurizing. These processes change how the food looks, tastes, and is eaten, but do not add ingredients. Chemical processing involves adding artificial substances, such as flavors and preservatives. This is the kind of processing that affects the nutrient content of the food, often negatively.4

Health ‘Risks’ of Processed Foods

Food that undergoes chemical processing, also called “ultra-processed,” is often less healthy for you than whole, unprocessed foods. These foods can contain high levels of added salt, sugar, and fat, and eating them raises your risk for type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease.5 Ultra-processed foods are often low in essential nutrients. Some people may also experience uncomfortable digestive symptoms or allergy-like reactions after eating large quantities of artificial ingredients.

Chips are another ultra-processed food


When shopping for fresh produce, whether you choose organic or conventionally-grown fruits and vegetables should depend on your individual health goals and how much you can afford to spend on groceries. If you’re looking at pre-packaged foods, don’t assume anything labeled ‘organic’ is good for you. Check the nutrition label to find out the actual nutrient content.

Remember that when it comes to a healthy diet, eating whole, unprocessed foods is best. These will have the most nutrients and lowest amounts of sugar, fat, and sodium.

Want recipes and nutrition guidance that are tailored to your goals? Take charge of your health and longevity with Kyla’s Longevity program! Our expert team, including a registered dietitian, provides comprehensive support on your journey to living a long, healthy life. Discover your personalized nutrition and wellness plan tailor-made for you today!


  1. Organic 101: What the USDA organic label means. Accessed May 3, 2023.
  2. Crinnion WJ. Organic foods contain higher levels of certain nutrients, lower levels of pesticides, and may provide health benefits for the consumer. Altern Med Rev. 2010;15(1):4-12.
  3. Średnicka-Tober D, Barański M, Seal C, et al. Composition differences between organic and conventional meat: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. Br J Nutr. 2016;115(6):994-1011. doi:10.1017/S0007114515005073
  4. Easy ways to reduce processed foods in your diet. Accessed May 4, 2023.
  5. Ultra-processed foods are recipe for poorer health. News. Published September 6, 2022. Accessed May 4, 2023.