Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity

July 19, 2023

By Rae Brandenburg, RDN

Published: July 19, 2023

Body Neutrality vs. Body Positivity: Finding a Realistic Approach to Nourish Your Mind and Body

Are you simply exhausted by the constant pressure to have a “perfect” body? Do you feel like the body positivity movement falls short of addressing the true complexities of body image? You’re not alone! In today’s post, we’re exploring body neutrality as a more realistic alternative and how these concepts can inform our nutrition and wellness journey.

What’s the Body Positivity Movement All About?

The body positivity movement advocates for the appreciation and acceptance of all body shapes, sizes, and appearances.1 This movement has gained traction in recent years as a response to toxic beauty standards promoted by society and the media. It encourages individuals to accept and flaunt their natural forms, rather than aspiring to unattainable stereotypes.2

While body positivity has made an impact in reshaping societal standards, it’s not perfect. Critics argue that it still places excessive emphasis on appearance and even glorifies certain body types, races and genders.2 This brings us to an alternative approach: body neutrality.

Unpacking Body Neutrality

Body neutrality aims to shift focus from both positive and negative self-talk surrounding one’s body.3 Unlike body positivity, which emphasizes love and appreciation for your body, body neutrality promotes a more balanced, non-judgmental approach.

In essence, it’s about accepting your body as it is and focusing on its functions, abilities, and wellbeing, rather than its appearance. With body neutrality, the ultimate goal is to create a more peaceful relationship with one’s body and mind.4

Why Body Neutrality Can Be More Realistic

Though the body positivity movement has its strengths, body neutrality offers some key advantages that make it a more realistic approach. Here’s why:

  1. Less pressure on appearance: With body neutrality, there’s less focus on obsessing over how your body looks. This removes the pressure to always love your physical appearance and can contribute to a healthier mental state.3
  2. Practical mindset: Body neutrality emphasizes nurturing your body by making healthier choices, such as consuming nourishing foods and engaging in regular exercise. This encourages a practical mindset where you’re focused on overall wellness rather than just looks.5
  3. Flexibility: Since body neutrality focuses on acceptance, it allows for flexibility and self-compassion as your body naturally evolves and changes. This makes it more sustainable than aiming for constant positivity.

How to Embrace Body Neutrality

Ready to dive into a more balanced, realistic approach to body image? Here are some tips to guide you toward body neutrality:

  1. Reframe your mindset: Work on awareness of negative self-talk. Once you’re aware, you can begin to replace these thoughts with non-judgmental thoughts about your body.
  2. Focus on functionality: Celebrate your body’s abilities, such as strength, mobility, and resilience.
  3. Mindful movement: Engage in physical activities that you genuinely enjoy, rather than prioritizing calorie burning or weight loss. Focusing on calorie burn typically backfires and can lead to a disordered relationship with exercise.6
  4. Nourish from within: Embrace a nutrition plan that fuels your body, boosts health, and fosters longevity.

Feeling inspired to nourish your body and mind with a more balanced approach? Take charge of your health and longevity with Kyla’s Longevity program! Our expert team, including a registered dietitian, provides comprehensive support on your journey to living a long, healthy life. Discover your personalized nutrition and wellness plan tailor-made for you today!


  1. Griffin M, Bailey KA, Lopez KJ. #BodyPositive? A critical exploration of the body positive movement within physical cultures taking an intersectionality approach. Front Sports Act Living. 2022;4:908580. doi:10.3389/fspor.2022.908580
  2. Fioravanti G, Svicher A, Ceragioli G, Bruni V, Casale S. Examining the impact of daily exposure to body-positive and fitspiration Instagram content on young women’s mood and body image: An intensive longitudinal study. New Media Soc. Published online 2021:146144482110389. doi:10.1177/14614448211038904
  3. Poirier A. 5 steps to body neutrality. Published 2022. Accessed June 9, 2023.
  4. White T. Body neutrality: Experts explain cultural impact. Healthline. Published January 5, 2023. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  5. Susan Albers P. What’s the difference between body positivity and body neutrality? Cleveland Clinic. Published April 22, 2022. Accessed June 12, 2023.
  6. Willbond SM, Laviolette MA, Duval K, Doucet E. Normal weight men and women overestimate exercise energy expenditure. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2010;50(4):377-384. Accessed June 12, 2023.