
Lengthen Your Lifespan With Coffee

There’s a vicious battle being waged every day inside your body. It’s a conflict between roaming free radicals and antioxidants. Left unchecked, high numbers of these free radicals can lead to oxidative stress. This is the primary driver for many diseases and debilitating conditions. Oxidative stress reduces longevity. The choices we make about what we […]

August 29, 2024


Build a Better Brain With These Five Tips

Despite being neglected in discussions about the value of diet and exercise, research suggests that many of the things we do to help the body can also help the brain.

August 28, 2024


Three Tests That Can Save Your Life!

A simple at-home health test can be lifesaving because the results of the lipid panel, comprehensive metabolic panel, and High-Sensitivity C-Reactive Protein (hsCRP) test deliver invaluable insights and a snapshot portrait of an individual’s health.

August 28, 2024


How A Cold Shower Can Fight Inflammation and Even Lengthen Lifespans

Every year, hardy men, women, and children around the world celebrate New Year’s Day by racing into frigid water. It’s easy to question the sanity of these “polar bear plungers.” Turns out they might be onto something. The Fountain of Youth might actually be frosty.  Immersions in chilly water are more than just the latest […]

August 14, 2024


Fit or Fat: Seven Reasons Diet Alone Can’t Conquer Obesity

Weight loss isn’t easy. Setting goals, changing diets, and exercising regularly requires commitment and discipline. Yet while everyone embarking on a weight loss journey faces challenges, those difficulties are magnified for people dealing with obesity who hope to lose more than 50 pounds. Weight loss is a never-ending battle. That’s because even once excess pounds […]

August 14, 2024


How To Live to 100 Five Steps From Those Who’ve Reached That Milestone

The average American life expectancy keeps falling, even as our cars keep getting older. The average passenger car in the U.S. is 14-years old. With new cars costing almost $50,000, it’s not surprising that fewer people want to trade in their old jalopy for something shinier. Along with the punishment to purse and pocketbook, lots […]

August 14, 2024


Five Natural Ways to Fight Insulin Resistance and Improve Your Insulin Sensitivity 

Insulin resistance affects more than 100 million Americans - here are five natural ways to improve insulin sensitivity and combat insulin resistance.

August 14, 2024


How to Control Your Blood Sugar Using the Glycemic Index

It happens to everyone eventually – the dreaded sugar crash. That lightheaded, “hangry” feeling is usually because of something we ate. Certain foods cause our blood sugar to quickly rise or spike. Unfortunately, what goes up comes down just as quickly.  The signs of low blood sugar are unmistakable: feeling shaky, irritable, dizzy. For most […]

August 13, 2024


Can You Lengthen Your Life? Five Proven Ways to Extend Your Lifespan

Here are five proven ways to lengthen lifespan and keep extending it through diet, exercise and lifestyle changes.

August 13, 2024


Hypertension Hacks: How To Lower Blood Pressure Without Medication

It’s called the silent killer. The disease is usually symptom free. There often aren’t any warning signs. People can have it for years, completely unaware until they’re being strapped onto a gurney and placed in an ambulance as yet another heart attack victim.  Untreated hypertension often leads to strokes or heart attacks. One out of […]

August 13, 2024