
Sports That Can Help You Live Longer

The right activity is not just one you can do for life, but one that can extend your lifespan - here are six of the best to boost your life expectancy.

July 21, 2024


Can Intermittent Fasting Help You Live Longer?

Intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular eating programs in America but can time-restricted eating not only help people live better but also longer?

July 21, 2024


The Five Common Heart Attack Symptoms Everyone Should Know

Learning the common heart attack symptoms can save your life while making lifestyle changes to combat heart disease can extend it.

July 12, 2024


Four Heart-Healthy Cooking Oils (And Others to Avoid) 

Dousing heart-healthy foods with unhealthy cooking oil can undo a balanced diet in moments. How food is prepared and the oil used to cook it matters. Some oils have been proven to extend one’s healthy life. Others have been linked to heart disease and numerous other conditions. That’s why choosing the right cooking oil is […]

July 3, 2024


Fitness Foods: The Best Choices for Your Workout

Whether running five miles or lifting weights, food is fuel –– and choosing the right combination of healthy food can not only improve performance but speed recovery as well.

July 2, 2024


Is Ashwagandha One of The Best Natural Remedies for Anxiety Or Just Hype?

With anxiety on the rise many are trying natural ways to treat anxiety like ashwagandh but is it safe and effective – does it live up to the hype?

July 2, 2024