
Cucumber Greek Creamy Salad

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health This recipe is simple, low carb and fresh. The ricotta or Greek yogurt provide a creamy texture, while the combination of vegetables and seasonings give this dish a Mediterranean flavor. Enjoy at lunch or dinner! Ingredients (Serves 4) Instructions Nutrition Nutrition analyzed in My […]

May 29, 2024


How Your Gut Health Affects Your Whole Body

Everyone has a small community living inside their stomach. This complex and diverse collection of microorganisms is called the “gut microbiome.” Its primary responsibility is turning food into fuel. However, studies have also linked it to cardiovascular and mental health. It fortifies a healthy immune system and promotes healthy organ functions.  Like a snowflake, no […]

May 29, 2024


Salmon, Asparagus & Feta Baked Omelet

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health This is an easy, high protein breakfast that will keep you full and nourished! This recipe is gluten-free, low-carb, and easy to make. Be sure to be using cooking spray or a non-stick skillet to prevent sticking while baking. Nutrition Nutrition analyzed in My […]

May 28, 2024


How to Succeed On Your Heart Healthy Diet 

It’s hard to go online or watch television without hearing about the advantages of a heart healthy diet. Friends and family members may even be discussing the best heart healthy meals. Although eating fruits and vegetables regularly has been shown to lower the risk of a heart attack, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to adopt […]

May 28, 2024


Street Corn Brussels Sprouts

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health Here is a new way to prepare Brussels sprouts! This delicious recipe uses simple, nutrient-dense ingredients: Brussels sprouts, jalapeños, corn and cilantro, topped off with low-fat feta cheese. It boasts 5 grams of fiber and your daily requirement of vitamin C! Ingredients Serves 2 […]

May 23, 2024


Top Five Tips for Maintaining Your Hormonal Balance

Hormones are the body’s natural regulators. They control everything from sleep/wake cycles and metabolism to sex drive and reproduction. In fact, scientists have discovered more than 50 different hormones all working in concert to keep the body healthy. A hormone imbalance can feel like walking into an overheated room or driving a car that needs […]

May 23, 2024


Top 10 Foods Highest in Protein 

Protein is essential. This nutrient is the human body’s building block. It doesn’t just create strong muscles, it’s vital for healthy bones, skin, and cartilage. Nails and hair are mostly protein. Without protein, digestion would be difficult and proper oxygenation of blood wouldn’t occur. That’s because dietary protein helps create enzymes for digesting food while […]

May 23, 2024


Green Bean Tofu Scramble

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health This recipe is a veggie-full, high protein tofu scramble with no dairy and an amazing taste for a cheerful morning. You’ll be getting 7 grams of fiber and 18 grams of protein in one serving. For this vegan and gluten-free recipe, you only need […]

May 21, 2024


Caprese Chicken Toast

By Maria Fernanda Lopez Reviewed by Rae Mueller, RDN Kyla Health A quick and easy lunch or dinner idea that doesn’t require any cooking! Tomatoes are a good source of lycopene, an antioxidant that is beneficial for heart health. Meal Prep tip: It’s much easier to make lunch or dinner when you already have a lean […]

May 16, 2024


How To Get Pregnant Fast — Hormone Testing and Lifestyle Choices Help Boost Fertility and Ovulation

Women who spent their teen years and even their 20s avoiding pregnancy, are sometimes shocked by how hard getting pregnant can be. Yet despite persistent obstacles, many women are not just trying to conceive but want to know how to get pregnant fast. The challenge is that there are often unaddressed hindrances – many they […]

May 16, 2024