
Metabolism: can you change it?

Published: September 30, 2022 Updated: April 12, 2023 If someone can eat whatever they want and never gain weight, often we give credit to their fast metabolism. And if someone else struggles to lose weight, they might blame it on their slow metabolism. Although we talk about metabolism often, researchers still don’t know everything about […]

September 30, 2022


Top 5 Brain Foods for Longevity: How to Keep Your Mind Sharp and Healthy

It’s no secret that what we eat affects our bodies. But what you may not know is that what we eat also affects our brains. The foods we eat have a direct impact on how well our brains function, both in the short-term and long-term. In this blog post, we will discuss five of the […]

September 29, 2022


10 Quick and Healthy Lunches for Hypertension and Hyperlipidemia

Published: September 27, 2022 Updated: May 24, 2023 If you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol, you know that making healthy eating choices is essential. It is important to choose foods that are high in fiber and unsaturated fats and low in sugar, saturated fats, and trans fats.1,2 Fresh, whole foods are the healthiest […]

September 27, 2022


10 Secrets to Living Longer with the Mediterranean Lifestyle: How to Extend Your Lifespan

It’s no secret that people are living longer than ever before. In fact, the average lifespan has been steadily increasing for the past few decades. But what are the secrets to longevity? We studied the people of Ikaria, a Greek Island located in East Aegean. This island is known to be a place where residents […]

September 26, 2022


Longevity in the News: Gene therapies have already reversed aging in mice

George Church: Gene therapies have already reversed aging in mice The Longevity Summit Dublin is bringing together leading entrepreneurs, companies, investors, and researchers in the field of longevity to address many of the hot-button topics affecting longevity. One of those speakers is Harvard professor of genetics and so-called “father of genomics” George Church who will […]

September 23, 2022


Cauliflower: A Substitute for Everything?

Published: September 23, 2022 Updated: June 1, 2023 Cauliflower crust or regular pizza crust? Cauliflower rice or white rice? How about buffalo cauliflower or buffalo chicken? Cauliflower is showing up in more recipes and menus as an alternative to many different traditional ingredients. It has a mild flavor and goes well in many dishes, but […]

September 23, 2022


Surprising Ways Mushrooms Benefit Your Health and Wellness

Published: September 22, 2022 Updated: June 1, 2023 Mushrooms have been used in traditional medicine for centuries, and only recently have scientists begun to understand their full potential. There are many surprising ways that mushrooms can benefit your health and wellness. For example, they can help you live a longer, healthier life. They can also […]

September 22, 2022


10 Quick and Healthy Snack Options for Diabetes

Published: September 20, 2022 Updated: May 18, 2023 It’s important to have healthy snacks on hand to help you manage your blood sugar. Going too long without eating can cause your blood sugar to drop too low and you’ll get hungry and be more likely to overeat later. But, you shouldn’t snack on just anything […]

September 20, 2022


Top Food Brands that Can Support Your Health Goals

Published: September 19, 2022 Updated: June 2, 2023 Realistically, most of us are not going to be able to cook every meal from scratch and always have homemade snacks on hand. Cooking for yourself is one way to be sure you’re following a healthy diet, but pre-packaged snacks and meals are an easy and less […]

September 19, 2022