Weekly Update July 18, 2022 – Understanding Protein Subunit COVID Vaccines (NOVAX)

July 22, 2022

LA County on Track for New Indoor Mask Mandate

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9 in 10 Californians Live in Areas with High COVID-19 Levels

Most Californians live in counties with a high COVID-19 community level, in which the CDC recommends universal masking in indoor public spaces.


USC Researchers Identify Symptoms Associated with Increased Risk for Long COVID

Several previous studies have identified women as being at greater risk. But the USC study found no relationship in its sample between long COVID and age, gender, race or preexisting health conditions including cancer, diabetes, hypertension and heart disease.

It did note a higher risk in patients who had obesity prior to infection.


Understanding Protein Subunit COVID Vaccines (NOVAX)

Protein subunit COVID-19 vaccines contain pieces (proteins) of the virus that causes COVID-19; these proteins are called the “spike protein.”

The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is a protein subunit COVID-19 vaccine that is authorized for use in the United States under Emergency Use Authorization.


LA County on Track for New Indoor Mask Mandate

If the county remains at the high community level for the next two weeks, a new masking order would be issued, with an effective date of July 29.